Insofar as companies and individuals are internationally mobile, labor relations in a company are also increasingly organized on an international basis. This relates to management personnel at various levels of the hierarchy, but also to the regular workforce if its members are away from the traditional operating area in connection with temporary projects abroad or with regularly recurring maintenance and servicing deployments to international customers.
For our corporate clients, there are many questions raised, e.g., about the controlling character of German employment and social-security law during a foreign posting, the observance of statutory and company-specific occupational safety regulations, or the circumstances of (re-)integrating the employee posted abroad. In this area too, because of our interdisciplinary approach to advisement we can ensure that our clients receive, from a single source, advice with regard to employment, social security and tax law.
Our work is centered on structuring the deployment of personnel for purposes of contract and collective bargaining law, implementation of statutory and company-internal regulations concerning occupational safety and data protection, and conducting litigation occasioned by the foreign posting.